The election will take place on October 7 and 8, 2021. You will be able to vote through a link sent to your student email address.
If you have not received an email by 10:30 AM on thursday , October 7, please send an email to, CC, and attach a screen capture of your Student Centre on uoZone that shows what program you are registered in.
Official Platform
Sydney Williams
Hi everyone! I’m Sydney Williams and I’m currently running for first year AEEIPPSSA representative.
As your representative, I would make sure that first years feel welcomed at the University of Ottawa, as well as within our student association. To me, the most important aspects of being a part of AEEIPPSSA’s executive would be ensuring that all students feel included, that their voices are heard and that they enjoy this year of university, despite the particular hardships we’re facing today. To do this I will make it a priority to provide communication, representation, and connections between first years and the executive. I promise to provide students with updates on all planned events during the year, and answer any questions students may have.
More about me: I grew up in a small town in central British Columbia, but the second I first travelled to Ottawa, I knew it was the city for me. I’m currently pursuing a joint major in Political Science and Public Administration (with a French Immersion Stream) and am very passionate about Public Service. I love volunteering, and at an early age I became a youth ambassador for my city, as well as co-president of my high school’s student council, and treasurer of its Interact Club. These experiences have all helped me learn how to support my peers and become someone they know they can depend on. Many assume that graduating as my high school's valedictorian is my biggest achievement, but I will always consider the fact that I was able to help other students walk across the stage to be what I am most proud of. I hope to continue helping my fellow students here at the University of Ottawa, and will always be more than happy to assist anyone that reaches out to me.