Affiliated Branches

Model Parliament
Model Parliament Simulation Parlementaire (MPSP) is AÉÉIPPSSA's annual parliamentary simulation event and the largest bilingual parliamentary simulation in Canada!
As students invested in political science, public policy and international relations students, the Canadian parliamentary system plays an important part in our studies and any opportunity to learn more is always welcome, especially when there's an opportunity to learn about Canada's House of Commons in a fun, entertaining and non-partisan way! The perfect place to grow your networks while having fun in a satirical yet informative manner, join MPSP today!

yPolitika is IPPSSA’s student-run, peer-reviewed bilingual publication. We publish academic articles and commentary written by undergraduate students on current politics, public policy, and political theory, and provide a supportive online platform for students to participate in larger discourse around politics and public and international affairs.

Jeux de la Science Politique
The Political Science Games (the "JDSP") are an inter-university competition that harnesses the energy of students for the benefit of society. The JDSP provides a unique opportunity for experiential academic learning and networking for French-speaking and Francophile students in political science programs at the University of Ottawa. The JDSP serves as a personal and professional stepping stone for students aspiring to be agents of impact in society.